Life Designer with Jingyu Chen
Capturing once in a lifetime moment and each encounter is one of a kind and unique. Life designer is looking to genuine and meaningful human connection, and telling candid human stories. In each episode, I will interview an amazing talent coming from all around the world across all different industries. They are artists, creatives, professionals, entrepreneurs, slash everything, and they are all on their journey to pursue their mission with a passion. It's their story-telling about how they become their own life designers! Please feel free to visit my website to find more information: https://www.lifedesignerwithjingyuchen.com/
I am also running my solo podcast ‘Jing Lens’ -- my lifestyle diary . Here I share daily hustle and grind, small joys from my travel and hobbies, exercise routine, self-care practice, and reflection on my personal growth, etc., I consider Jing Lens as my dynamic diary to document and capture evolving and ( hopefully elevating) journey of my lifestyle. Lifestyle is a bit overkill buzzword today but I have always been drawn to this word, spending years and years searching and building my lifestyle. I guess I finally reach this self-validation point to feel may be able to to share some mindset and practice from an ordinary person’s life to provide one possible form of wholesome and joyful living.
Both podcasts are located in my website. My website is like my container where I put my heart and soul to curate . Please feel free to visit my website to check in both podcasts if you are interested. Thank you so much for listening to my podcasts!
Life Designer with Jingyu Chen
How to craft an enriched and vibrant life I Luella Pu: Interior Designer / Serial Entrepreneur I Part Two
In the Part Two, Luella shares intimate insights into her experiences with relationship-building, parenting, self-care, and more. Relationship-building took immense amount of efforts but the reward is worth it, because the right partner also become your best mentor. That being said, personal growth should continue to perpetuate regardless of one’s relationship status (married or single ). We are often drawn to those who radiate from the inside out. When individuals exude positivity , they not only attract the right person but also find their supportive village. I am a firm believer that your vibe attracts your tribes. Ongoing personal growth is also Luella’s secret ingredients to maintain marriage’s longevity and fluidity. Another mentality shared by Luella is treating your partner like your child, allowing both individuals to grow and evolve together from a selfless place rather than one outpowering another.
When it comes to parenting, Luella emphasizes the narrative and awareness of self-love should be essential part of early childhood education. Self-love not only equips children with discerning intelligence but also prepares them with sense of responsibility. With self- love at its core, they grow up to become adults with the strength to walk away from toxic relationships, and the ability to treat others with respect and care. As much as Luella enjoys being a mum and discussing parenting, she refuses to label herself solely a mum or putting herself on secondary or hold mode . Instead of projecting the image of super mum who take care of everything, she reveals her vulnerability to her child.
Another mindset that Luella intentionally applies to her parenting is to reward her child’s efforts in attempting goals regardless of results. When children focus more on process than outcome, they are more likely to take on high-stakes challenges. Her another parenting mindset tool , dismantling our fears, also deeply resonates with me. The story of her guiding her son to confront fear rather than shunning away was mind-blown. She highlighted that just because we may not be naturally gifted in certain areas, doesn’t mean we should walk away from them entirely. Working out the audacity to face our fears provide an opportunity to unlock our full potential. The goal is not to be master in all domains. Even just 'dabbling' gives us a glimpse of what’s happening around and provides us with fuller ranger of common sense and higher awareness. When success is not the sole goal, naturally human are more fearless to in addressing their weaknesses.
Through my personal growth journey, I also want to add in is if we really are trying to deeply see, take in and understand the world, on all dimension possible, intellectually, aesthetically., inevitably we have to push the edge of envelope a bit to expand its width and depth . Walking through that fear can be intimidating and uncomfortable , but if we always stay in our comfort zone, surrender to our fear, not going to try something dreadful , we also deny ourselves a potential moment of joy and happiness.
Here is Luella’s version of success: I did everything I possibly can, I loved everyone I can to my maximum, I also loved myself. Success to me is consistently challenge myself, and I can unlock new chapter in my life as I age. The essence of living a life is to grow, learn, to reflect, to be a better person for myself and my family , so success to me is an ongoing never-end game.
Website: https://fangting.co.uk/
Instagram: fangting_properties
小红书:璐公子I 伦敦室内设计+投资